Aristurtle’s research spans over several fields of engineering but specifically focuses on electromobility and autonomous driving. 

Due to the nature of our work, our research is not solely theoretical, but rather applied. Based on theoretical bibliography, our team tests research findings through digital simulations at fist, and through practical applications and experiments subsequently. The outcome of every racing season derives from our engineers’ ability to integrate new technologies into our race cars in a manner that maximizes value and synergy between the vehicle’s assemblies. Each new model of our race cars is a result of research evaluation and illustrated decision-making, and constitutes tangible proof of our commitment to research development.

Through our promotional actions and with the valuable aid of our Partners, our work is exposed to the public eye in Greece and abroad. Through our interactions with the public in numerous events and through our presence in the mass media, we seek to sensitise and raise awareness on electromobility and future automotive trends. We believe that our ongoing effort to prove misconceptions and support truths about electric and autonomous driving solutions, functions as a stimulus for people who wish to learn more about the future of mobility.
