
Καλο Πασχα!

Η Aristotle University Racing Team Electric & Driverless – Aristurtle σας εύχεται Καλό Πάσχα και Καλή Ανάσταση!

Christmas 2020

On this joyful occasion of Christmas, we would like to thank you for your tremendous support. Working in association with you has helped us come a long way and has brought many of our ambitions and dreams in fruition!  Despite the testing times we are all going through we would like to extend our warmest


Αγαπητοί συνεργάτες, υποστηρικτές, συναθλητές, και φίλοι της Arist.u.r.t.le Όλοι εμείς στην Aristotle University Racing Team Electric & Driverless είμαστε στη δυσάρεστη θέση να σας ανακοινώσουμε πως η προγραμματισμένη συμμετοχή μας στις διεθνείς διοργανώσεις Formula Student Austria & Formula SAE Italy ακυρώνεται, έπειτα από ακύρωση των ιδίων διοργανώσεων, στο πλαίσιο λήψης μέτρων πρόληψης και προστασίας για

Aristurtle wishes you a Happy New Year!

2018 was full of moments to remember. From the stress during the design process in winter, until the construction of our third racing car, Iris.  Our team, with our latest racing car, managed to make significant achievements in the Formula Student competitions. We conquered the first place for the first time in an event and

Aristurtle’s Newsletter – December 2018

Learn about our team’s progress, as well as the design procedure of our new racing car. There is also a brief recap of the last season and a detailed preview of each subgroup. See our December 2018 newsletter in the link below: ARISTURTLE’S NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2018